Allison Iannucci - 1st place in Poetry
UCSD - Environmental Systems: Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution

"Ignorance is Bliss"
Ignorance is bliss they say
And it’s in this world they live
Extract and frack what they can
And hope we forget and forgive
What do we do when the ones who take
put blinders to their eyes
And continue their greedy policies
leading us to our demise
Ignorance is bliss they say
And it's this fantasy they get to claim
Far away from the real world truth
The Earth is simply a game
They get to play the cards of life
But we must think to what is the end
When they think it’s only money risked
But it’s lives they’ve had to spend
Ignorance is bliss they say
A world without complaint
They listen to what they want to hear
It’s why our voices seem so faint
They try so hard to muffle our screams
But they really can’t take us all
We will continue to fight for change
Until they can no longer ignore our call
Our voice makes waves
And our actions; it is this
The way we can dismantle the many
Stuck in their ignorance and bliss